株式会社Global Step Academy(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:モントゴメリー 道緒、以下グローバルステップアカデミー) はオンラインサマーキャンプを2023年7月~8月にかけて提供します。オールイングリッシュサマーキャンプは、幼稚園生から小学生を対象に、東京複数の箇所及びオンラインにて実施されます。





  • Science Experiments

Science Experiments は科学に興味を持ったお子さま向けのレッスンです。子どもたち自身で噴火する火山を作り、ロケットを打ち上げます。楽しい科学実験を体験しながら、驚くべき化学反応を目撃していく過程で普段使わない科学の英単語を学びます。

  • VR Space Mission

VR Space Missionは広大な宇宙について疑問を抱く子ども達のために作られました。子どもたちはプラネタリウムを構築し、最新のVR技術を活用して火星の冒険に乗り出します。宇宙飛行士が利用する「コーディング技術(プログラミング言語)」を学び、銀河系へ旅する魅惑的な仮想現実体験に夢中になることができます。

  • Gamers Adventure

Games Adventures Campは、スクリーンタイムを制限することで「遊び」から「学び」の機会に変えて「楽しく学ぶ」ために作られました。荒れ果てた島で生存スキルを試し、複雑なパズルを解読することで問題解決能力を鍛え、チームメイトと協力してシェルターを建設し、島の脅威的な生物に打ち勝つ戦略を練ります。そして壮大な城の壁の中に隠された魅惑的な謎を解き明かします。

Dinosaur Explorersは、未来の考古学者たちを恐竜が地球で暮らしていた時代に戻します。子ども達は恐竜の化石を発掘して自分自身の三畳紀の風景を作り出し、Robloxで史前冒険に乗り出して、魅惑的な仮想ツアーを通じて恐竜との間近な出会いを体験します。

  • VR World Tour

VR World Tourは自宅の快適な空間から世界の名所を巡り、異なる文化を体験します。自分でエッフェル塔を建設して、古代の数学技術を解き明かし、活気あるブラジルのカーニバルの仮面を作るなど、STEAMと文化研究を組み合わせた実践的な活動を通じて、生きた英語を自然に学びます。

  • Art Adventures

Art Adventure は子どもたちの創造力を発揮する機会を作り、アート作品を作り上げることと共に、美術の知識を英語で学びます。アンディ・ウォーホル、草間彌生、コーンブレッドなどのアーティスト達のインスピレーションを受けて、様々な芸術スタイルを学び、自分の想像力を具現化します。

2023 GSAオンラインサマーキャンプの詳細はこちらhttps://gsacademy.com/ja/online/summercamp2023

オフラインサマーキャンプ 2023 の小学生向けサマーキャンプは、




Global Step Academy インターナショナルスクール 立川(本校):


BUDDY GSA International School (BGIS) (福岡筑紫野校):


Global Step Academy インターナショナルスクール 立川(本校):

BUDDY GSA International School (BGIS) (福岡筑紫野校):


  • シーズンプログラムについて



1. 100%英語で学ぶ

2. 探究的に学び

3. 多様性を育む


  • Global Step Academy について


Enjoy the Summer with Fully Immersive English Summer School Program presented by Global Step Academy

Embark on an unforgettable journey of language immersion and global exploration with Global Step Academy's Fully Immersive English Summer School Program!

Register early to receive free EXCLUSIVE CAMP GEARS

Global Step Academy’s highly sought-after 2023 Summer Seasonal Camp is now open for enrollment. This exceptional program offers the perfect blend of online and offline experiences, catering to kindergarten and elementary school students seeking an authentic international school environment.

At Global Step Academy, we encourage students to explore the world in English, following their curiosity and creativity. Our virtual and physical camps ensure that every child can partake in this exciting English Summer Camp, fostering language fluency, observation, problem solving and cultural understanding.

The cutting-edge approach to learning offers hands on experience and first person experience in various topics.

  • Science Experiments Camp

Global Step Academy’s Science Experiments Camp is aiming to attract curious children who would like to try their hands at some exciting experiments: from erupting volcanoes to launching rockets, it is a chance to witness mind-blowing chemical reactions and learn all the scientific English vocabulary.

  • VR Space Missions Camp

Using the latest VR technology, this camp is made for anyone who wonders about the vast universe that we live in. Students will have the opportunity to construct their own planetarium, embark on a thrilling expedition to the Red Planet, Mars, learn coding techniques utilized by astronauts, and immerse in a mesmerizing virtual reality experience navigating the awe-inspiring wonders of the Milky Way galaxy.

  • Gamers Adventure Camp

Gamers Adventure Camp is designed for to make learning fun! Instead of limiting screen time, GSA is turning it into a learning opportunity. Participants will get to put their survival skills to the test while navigating a deserted island and overcoming obstacles, engage their problem-solving abilities by deciphering intricate puzzles, collaborate with teammates to build a formidable shelter and outsmart the menacing island beast, and unravel captivating mysteries within the walls of a majestic castle.

Dinosaur Explorers Camp brings budding archaeologists back to the time when those majestic creatures roamed the earth. In this camp students will be albe to unearth dinosaur fossils through exciting excavations, create their very own Triassic landscape, embark on thrilling prehistoric adventures in Roblox and experience up-close encounters with dinosaurs through captivating virtual tours.

  • VR World Tour Camp

One of the best way to spend the summer would be to tour the world without leaving the comfort of your home. The VR World Tour Camp will introduce students to breathtaking landmarks and experience different cultures around the globe. Hands-on activities like building your own Effel Tower, unlocking ancient mathematical techniques and rafting a vibrant Brazilian Carnival mask will bring things to live combining STEAM with cultural studies.

  • Art Adventures Camp

In Global Step Academy, every student is encouraged to express themselves to the best of their ability, whether that is linguistically or artistically. In Art Adventure Camp, students get to showcase their creativity by crafting their own masterpieces: taking inspiration from Andy Warhol, Yayoi Kusama and Cornbread, students will learn different art styles to bring their imaginations to life, using techniques and vocabulary learned through this summer camp.

For more details of 2023 GSA Online Summer Camp, visit https://gsacademy.com/en/online/summercamp2023

  • Offline Summer Camps

2023 Offline Summer Camps for Elementary Students are available offline at these 3 locations:

Nishimachi International School

Global Step Academy International School Tachikawa (Main Campus)


BUDDY GSA International School (BGIS) (Fukuoka)

2023 Offline Summer Camps for Kindergarten Children are available offline at these 2 locations:

Global Step Academy International School Tachikawa (Main Campus)


BUDDY GSA International School (BGIS) (Fukuoka)

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to expand your horizons and make new friends. Enroll now and let the fun begin!

  • About Global Step Academy:

Built on a 40 year legacy of international education experience, Global Step Academy was founded by a passionate group of educators, developers, designers and business professionals. Today GSA leads the way in student achievement by offering educational experiences in Japan through international schools, after school and seasonal programs, as well as globally through our innovative online course

配信元企業:株式会社Global Step Academy
