
  • 背景

meviyは米国でのサービスを開始後※1 1周年を迎えます。日本での提供サービス同様に機械部品調達にかかる時間やコストを大幅に削減できる点で、meviyは米国市場においても多くのお客さまから高い評価をいただいています※2。1周年という節目に際し、これまでのご愛顧に感謝し特別割引キャンペーンを実施するとともに、米国における更なるサービスの強化を行いました。サービス開始当初より、米国固有のインチ規格への対応を行うなど、海外のお客さまのニーズに合わせたサービスを展開してきましたが、今回は多くの米国のお客さまより要望の強かった「切削部品(丸物)」の提供を開始することで、米国で購入可能な部品のバリエーションがさらに広がり、日本で提供しているサービスと同様のサービスラインナップでの利用が可能となりました。



 The Washington Post(2023年7月19日掲載)https://bit.ly/3PADlcm

  • サービス拡充の概要

対象サービス:切削部品(丸物) *2023年9月5日より提供開始済み

素材    : 鋼/鉄、ステンレスアルミニウム、銅など

meviyサービスサイト 技術情報(英語表記) https://bit.ly/3PvHm1K

  • 1周年記念感謝キャンペーン


期間 : 2023年9月5日~2023年11月17日

内容 : meviy※3で自動見積もり※4を行い、購入した部品の価格がすべて20%割引されます。

※3 北米版meviyでのご利用に限ります。

※4 自動見積もりされた商品が対象となります。担当者による見積もりは対象外です。


meviy USA https://bit.ly/48r5SK7

  • meviy とは


meviy WEBサイト: https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
お客さまの声: https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/


※5 2023年3月時点


meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform, boosts the US services

Added CNC turning parts (for round parts) as a new feature

~ Celebrating first anniversary in the US with 20% discount on all quoted components ~

meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform powered by MISUMI Group Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Representative Director and President: Ryusei Ono), will mark its first anniversary of being available in the United States on October 3, 2023.

On this occasion, we have greatly expanded the service offerings on the meviy USA platform, starting September 5, 2023: the ability to quote CNC turning parts in new shapes (for round products) is now available, in addition to CNC turning parts (for square parts) and sheet metal parts that had already been offered. This makes the same level of services available in the United States as in Japan.

As a token of appreciation for our customers, meviy is currently offering a 20% discount on all components auto-quoted and purchased through the meviy USA platform, starting September 5, 2023, until November 17, 2023.

MISUMI will continue to contribute to productivity improvement through service enhancement by delivering time value to customers in the IA (Industrial Automation) industry worldwide.

  • Background

meviy USA is celebrating its first anniversary in the United States*1.

Like the meviy Japan platform, the meviy USA platform is highly regarded by many customers in the U.S. market for its high quality while significantly reducing the time and costs involved in parts component procurement*2.

As a token of appreciation for our customers, meviy USA has enhanced its services and is running a special discount campaign. Since the beginning, the meviy USA platform has been tailored to the needs of local customers, including the use of inches, which is unique to the U.S. This time, we have added a new feature to quote "CNC turning parts (for round parts)", which many U.S. customers have requested. This has further expanded the variety of parts available to U.S. customers and made it possible to offer the same services as in Japan.

1* Press Release "Business Starts in the United States " (published on September 30, 2022) * Available in Japanese. https://bit.ly/3EOSK41

*2 The voice of meviy users in the U.S. were included in the article.

The Washington Post, published July 19, 2023, https://bit.ly/3PADlcm

  • Service Expansion Overview

New feature: The ability to quote CNC turning parts (for round products)
*The new service has started on September 5, 2023.

Applicable materials: Steel/Iron, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Copper, etc.

◇ For more information on the new feature, please see below.

Technical information is available in English on the meviy service website https://bit.ly/3PvHm1K

  • meviy USA First Year Anniversary Offer

To celebrate meviy's first year in the U.S., the following special discount offer is now available.

Offer Period: September 5, 2023 - November 17, 2023

Offer Content: A 20% discount is applied to all components auto-quoted*4 and purchased through the meviy USA platform*3.

*3 Applicable only to the USA version of meviy.

*4 Applicable only to auto-quoted components. Please note that manually quoted components are excluded from this offer.

◇ For more information on this special offer, please visit:
meviy USA bit.ly/48r5SK7

With meviy, customers simply upload a 3D CAD model of a mechanical component, the AI automatically provides an instant quote, and our digital manufacturing system enables an order to be shipped in as little as one day.

meviy is a platform that eliminates perceived inefficiencies in parts procurement by reducing the time customers traditionally spend procuring mechanical components by more than 90%.

meviy received the Prime Minister's Prize at the Ninth Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards, achieved the No. 1 market share in Japan for three consecutive years, and is highly regarded for its contributions to improving productivity in the manufacturing industry. For our global customers, the range of services on each meviy website is expanding. meviy delivers "time value" to customers worldwide through digital transformation in component procurement.

meviy website https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/

MISUMI sells mechanical components required on-site for factory automation, as well as tools, consumables, and other products to more than 320,000 companies*5 worldwide. We wear two hats: a manufacturer with manufacturing functions and a distributor of other company’s branded products. With this unique business model, supported by a solid business base, MISUMI achieves "globally reliable on time delivery" for greater customer convenience. (*5 As of March 2023)

