和装小物総合メーカーのアンドウ株式会社(京都府京都市下京区、代表取締役:安藤 一郎)(以下、ANDO)は、今年7月に創業100周年を迎えました。1923年(大正12年)、京都において京鹿の子絞の帯揚や手絡(てがら)の製造で創業し、現在は和装小物、履物、浴衣や甚平など和装小物全般の製造、卸を行っています。このたび100周年を機に、「人と和をつなぐ」ことを使命とし、生活者の日常をより豊かに彩る一員となるべく、これまで以上に開かれたANDOの取り組みとして本社1階に“<ANDO>体験型コンセプトショップ”をオープンします。On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, we have opened <ANDO>, the Hands-On Experience Concept Shop on the 1st floor of the head office.



In July of this year, Ando Co., Ltd., the Japanese kimono accessory manufacturer celebrated 100 years since its foundation. ANDO was founded in 1923. , the Hands-On Experience Concept Shop , as part of our efforts to be more open than ever before and to become a company that more richly colors the everyday lives of our customers, based on our mission of “connecting people with Japanese style.”

Looking beyond future generations and utilizing the techniques we have accumulated over many years, we plan to hold workshops aimed at everyday consumers in our shop. ANDO aims to play a role in “connecting people with Japanese style” and has renovated our official website. We wish to convey our thoughts and efforts through our products and website.






[Towards the opening of , the Hands-On Experience Concept Shop] 

Adopting Technology makes our daily lives even richer.

It has been 100 years since our foundation to the present day. Kimono have been a part of our lives for these 100 years, and the techniques for textiles, dyeing, and tie-dyeing have been used to express kimono. Our lifestyles have changed in the modern era, and for the most part, Japanese people no longer wear kimono in their everyday lives. Because kimono are not a main part of our lives, these techniques are becoming lost. However, we believe that we can take styles that are being lost with the passage of time and find a place for them in our everyday lives, by changing their forms and the way we get involved with them.

These techniques and culture have been long passed down in Japan, and by using them to make the items we normally use in our everyday lives, then Japanese customers can naturally feel pride when using them, and overseas customers can experience the beauty and craftsmanship of Japanese techniques.

Adopting Japanese techniques and designs in everyday items can lead our Japanese customers to unconsciously confirm their own identities as Japanese, even as their daily lives do not change. These casual and everyday items can appeal to our Japanese and overseas customers alike with their detailed handiwork, textures, finishes, and arrangements that make our daily lives richer.


[About , the Hands-On Experience Concept Shop]

1. 技術と商品のShow Up空間


1. A place to show techniques and products

, the Hands-On Experience Shop is not a place that merely displays products. We have aimed to show eye-catching, overwhelming displays as a space that can provide visitors with fresh surprises and feelings. On the wall in front of the entrance, you can see a wall-mounted display that utilizes rolls of tanmono cloth. We have adopted a kind of display that lets visitors enjoy the techniques and thoughts of ANDO as an installed display.

By systematically and dynamically displaying our tie-dyed products at the exhibition stands in the shop, we have come up with a way of conveying the features unique to tie-dyeing. We show visitors the techniques behind tie-dyed fabrics and dyeing in a visual and tactile manner. We imagine visitors being excited at what they see, wanting to hold the items themselves, and having lively conversations.

2. 絞りと染めのインスピレーションラボ:商談/ワークショップスペース


2. Tie-Dyed Fabrics and Dyeing Installation Lab: Business Discussion and Workshop Space

The Hands-On Experience Concept Shop has a space where business discussions and workshops can be held. In this space, we have adopted a ceiling and table based on the image of a cocoon. In addition, we have prepared materials such as publications related to tie-dyed fabrics, dyeing, culture, and manufacturing. We have aimed to create an environment in which ideas can easily come to mind when visitors come to the shop and see the many products with their own eyes, hold them, directly feel the colors and textures, and wonder what can be made. Through idea generation and research with designers and creators, and workshops with students and everyday people, we aim for this space to become an installation lab for tie-dyeing and dyeing in which new exchanges between techniques, people and ideas can be born.

3. ワークショップ開催への思い:ものづくりの楽しさを体験して




3. Thoughts on Holding Workshops: Experience the Joys of Creating

In the studio separated by glass next to the shop, visitors can actually experience dyeing. You can also observe participants enjoying themselves making their own dyes. In the future, we plan on using this space to hold workshops in which everyday people can participate. We have prepared hands-on experience programs for tie-dyeing handkerchiefs, tote bags, and t-shirts so that participants can experience creating things with their own hands, which is the starting point of creation. The work is not difficult and can be experienced in simple steps, but each item will have a completely different finish depending on the level of force and how much it is soaked. Experience the surprise at seeing a finish you did not expect when undoing and spreading open the tied threads. Because the process is simple, participants can utilize different ideas in this workshop. Through this workshop, we deliver the joy and possibilities of making things.

We will announce the dates the workshops will be held on our official website.

*Please check the attached PDF file for details.




取締役社長:坪倉 弘

所在地: 〒600-8086 京都市下京区柳馬場通五条上る柏屋町327番地


事業内容: 和装小物製造、卸

創業: 大正12年



















