


弊社CEO 豊川慧海が、子供の教育と世界平和に向けた活動の一環として、2020/12/27に開催されるワールドピースコーチング2020にゲスト出演いたします。主催者であるブレイニー株式会社代表取締役青山龍氏と対談を行う予定です。











イタリア王家サヴォイア家 ジュニアナイト卓絶騎士養成プログラム

PX2とは、米コーチング界の元祖である故ルー・タイス氏と、同氏に賛同した関係者とともに世界各地で進めているBWF International (http://bwf.or.jp) による子供向けの教育プログラムです。学校関係者はもちろん、スポーツ選手や関係者にも提供をいたします。(テキスト費用のみ実費、学校関係者かつPDF出力に対応頂ける場合は完全無償となります)




Our CEO, Ekai Toyokawa, will make a guest appearance at World Peace Coaching 2020. As part of our activities for children's education and world peace, he will have a talk with Ryu Aoyama, CEO of Brainy Co., Ltd., the organizer.

World Peace Coaching (https://worldpeacecoaching.com/) is a charity event that has been held every year since 2015 by Mr.Aoyama. The main objectives are to develop children's abilities and promote peace education.

This event is a place to think about world peace, about what we can do for the future, and an activity to provide coaching to children. * All proceeds excluding expenses for this event will be donated as a social contribution.

Our CEO Mr.Toyokawa has benefited from the research and practice of coaching since he came into contact with the concept of cognitive science explained by Hideto Tomabechi in 2015. And he has been searching for a way to spread the influence to society without limiting the scope of influence to himself.

Due to a number of opportunities and relationships, he has decided to appear at World Peace Coaching 2020 as part of our activities to spread cognitive science-based coaching to society.
Taking this appearance as an opportunity, we will provide the following programs free of charge to those involved in educational institutions.

・ PX2
Italian royal family Savoy family junior night excellence knight training program

PX2 is an educational program for children by BWF International (http://bwf.or.jp), which is being promoted all over the world with the late Lou Tice, the originator of the US coaching world, and the people who supported him. is. We provide it not only to school personnel but also to athletes and related parties. (Only the text fee is the actual cost, and if you are a school person and can support PDF output, it will be completely free of charge)

The Savoy Royal Junior Night Outstanding Knight Training Program (https://ordinidinasticicasasavoia.jp/program) was developed for children around the world. A program that interprets "Knight's high self-esteem known for courage, etiquette, tolerance, pride, strong ethics, and a code of conduct that loves peace and helps the vulnerable" with the results of modern cutting-edge cognitive science.

1986年大阪府生まれ。TCSI LLC 代表。苫米地英人博士の提唱する認知科学に基いたコーチングの研究と実践、普及活動を行う。清風南海高校卒業後、関西大学法学部法学科へ。営業職に従事した後、デジタルマーケティングの業界へ。帰国後にコンサルティング会社を創業。非破壊検査業界のリーディングカンパニーと自治体のプロジェクトを遂行。M&Aを経て、現在は複数領域にて、事業会社の取締役に就任し企業経営に携わる。
Ekai Toyokawa

Born in Osaka in 1986. CEO of TCSI LLC. Conducts research, practice, and dissemination activities of coaching based on cognitive science advocated by Dr. Hideto Tomabechi. After graduating from Seifu Nankai High School, he went to the Faculty of Law, Kansai University. After engaging in sales position, entered the digital marketing industry. Founded a consulting company after returning to Japan. Carry out projects of leading companies and local governments in the non-destructive inspection industry. After M & A, he is currently appointed as a director of a business company and is involved in corporate management in multiple fields.

商号:TCSI LLC(https://coach-t.com/about-mr-t/
代表者:CEO 豊川慧海
本店所在地:〒541-0046 大阪府大阪市中央区中央区平野町2丁目2−12 生駒ビルヂング3F

Trade name: TCSI LLC (https://coach-t.com/about-mr-t/
Representative: CEO Ekai Toyokawa
Head office location: Ikoma Building #3, F2-2-12 Hiranomachi, Chuo-ku, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan 541-0046
Main business: Dissemination of coaching based on cognitive science


